eTSN has been ported to the following platforms:

Embedded BoxPC MBox-Advanced
CPU: Intel Atom® E3900 (“Apollo Lake-I”)
Operating Freq.: 4x 1.6/2.0 GHz, 2 MB L2-Cache
Ethernet: TSN Capable – 4 -port – Gigabit
RTOS: RT Linux

Renesas RZ/T2M Series
CPU: Dual processor – Arm® Cortex ® –R52
RAM: Dual CPU: Up to 2.0 MB SRAM
Operating Freq.: Upto 200 MHz/400 MHz/800 MHz
Ethernet: TSN Capable – 3-port – 1000 Mbps
Texas Instruments

AM64x SitaraTM Processors
CPU: Dual 64-bit Arm® Cortex ® –A53
RAM: Up to 2.0 MB of On-chip RAM
Operating Freq.: Subsystem at up to 1.0 GHz
Ethernet: TSN Capable – 2-port – Gigabit
RTOS: freeRTOS, RT Linux

CPU: Dual Core Arm® Cortex® A35 and M33
RAM: Two 16‑Gbit DDR4 DRAMs
Operating Freq.: A35 1.5GHz/M33 400MHz
Ethernet: TSN Capable – 3-port – Gigabit
RTOS: RT Linux
Let’s start with some training
- You believe this technology could help your business?
- You have heard about the technology for several months/years and now want to know more about it?
- Your customers have asked if you plan to support it?
- Your competitors work on some solutions and you want to do be ready
- You plan on developing a prototype or start a PoC?
Course plan
Day 1
Session 1
- Overview of exisiting fieldbus protocols
- Challenges and scope of improvement in existing protocols
- What is OPC UA? One protocol from Sensor to Cloud
- How OPC UA PubSub over TSN enables the digital transformation
Course plan
Day 1
Session 2
- Basics of TSN concepts - 802.1As, 802.1Qbv, 802.1Qcb, 802.1Qcc …
- How TSN enables the IT/OT integration
- Setting up Linux + Intel i210 NIC card based hardware and eTSN based software environment
- Creating your first OPC UA based simple Controller example
Course plan
Day 2
Session 3
- Setting up testing environment for OPC UA and TSN using eTSN Test Suite
- Creating your own publisher and subscriber using eTSN SDK
- Configuration OPC UA and TSN network
- Troubleshooting and debugging steps
- Benchmarking using the test environment
Course plan
Day 2
Session 4
- Edge level processing
- Publishing the facotry floor data to the cloud
- Q&A Session